There are distinct flags for this mode (variables ending in _DEBUG as opposed to _RELEASE), as well as a generator expression value CONFIG:Debug or CONFIG:Release. In multi-configuration generators, like many IDEs, you can pick the configuration in the IDE. Building in debug modeįor single-configuration generators, you can build your code with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to get debugging flags. If you add -trace-expand, the variables will be expanded into their values. There are related options as well, but they tend to bury you in output.įor example: cmake -S. Every line run in the file that you give will be echoed to the screen when it is run, letting you follow exactly what is happening.

The OpenVINO toolkit: Enables the use of models trained with popular frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. Have you wanted to watch exactly what happens in your CMake file, and when? The -trace-source="filename" feature is fantastic. We are proud to announce the release of OpenVINO 2023.0 introducing a range of new features, improvements, and deprecations aimed at enhancing the developer experience. If you want to print out a property, this is much, much nicer! Instead of getting the properties one by one of of each target (or other item with properties, such as SOURCES, DIRECTORIES, TESTS, or CACHE_ENTRIES - global properties seem to be missing for some reason), you can simply list them and get them printed directly: cmake_print_properties( DCMAKEBUILDTYPERelease -DCMAKEINSTALLPREFIX/path/for/install Windows: cmake -build. The 15th Edition has been updated for the CMake 3.26 release, although the majority of the changes actually relate to updating material for other third-party tools and packages. However, a built in module makes this even easier: include(CMakePrintHelpers) This is part of the change history for the book Professional CMake: A Practical Guide. The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: message(STATUS "MY_VARIABLE=$") This has reasonable defaults on most platforms. This specifies what build types will be available such as Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo etc. provides up-to-date native builds for GCC, mingw-w64, CPython, CMake, Meson, OpenSSL, FFmpeg. 1 CMAKECONFIGURATIONTYPES Specifies the available build types.
cmake -build C:Pathtobuildprotobufsolution -config Release. Software Distribution and Building Platform for Windows. CMake debuggingįirst, let's look at ways to debug a CMakeLists or other CMake file. This directory contains CMake files that can be used to build protobuf with MSVC on. You might need to debug your CMake build, or debug your C++ code.